Here are just a few reasons you should have a NCBA Certified Business or Intrapreneur valuation done:
Transition - exit planning and more
Partnerships - buy in or buy out
Banks/Loans - value of collateral for financing
Investing - to establish you are an accredited investor
Strategic Planning - KPI's and adjusting your strategies
Insurance - key man policies and more
Taxes - capital gains, inheritance, recaptured depreciation
Divorce - let's face it, it's common
Sale - and of course, if you're buying/selling the business
What normally happens is that people just GUESS at their value and think it's good enough.
That’s a huge mistake and won't satisfy any of the needs only feeds their ego!
After having a NCBA Certified Valuation done, our clients often ask "What do I do now?"
That's a good question -and that's when we help develop strategic moves to meet YOUR goals!
Without this valuation, making decisions on change is like blindly throwing just doesn't work right and will only randomly hit.
With everything you invest in your profession or business, you deserve better!
At No Coast Business Advisors, this is a major part of what we do and is the basis for business sales, acquisitions, M&A, consulting, strategic planning and more. And we do this in just about every industry and profession out there.
This isn't something we read about in a book and then tried to do as a "side hustle".
We're the ones who wrote the book on it.....seriously
We've been recognized through that book, Exit Lever, which became an International #1 Best Seller.